Saturday, 19 November 2011

||| Movement (Shuffle)

||| Movement is now moving on to Part 2. Titled Movement (Shuffle), it re-engages the physical installation and soundscape’s zones for remembering, contemplating and transforming through dance: bodily movements and interaction set against the fragmentation of past relics, the romantic backdrop of Fort Canning Park and the youthful aspirations of the neighbouring collegiate.

Venue: Stamford Green (transitory space between NMS and escalators leading to Fort Canning)
The performance will take place on 3 Dec 2011, 7pm within the installation.
You are also welcome to attend the preview on 26 Nov 2011, 7pm.
Please RSVP the day you would like to attend.
Dress code: Casual

||| Movement is created by Team Aural (architecture collective atelier | small, visual artist Tang Ling-Nah & sound artist Zai Tang ).
||| Movement Shuffle is presented by Team Aural and activated by dancers Bernice Lee, Catherine Erica Cheok, Chan Jia Ai Christina, Faye Lim, Mafalda Almeida, Neo Yanny Zong, Daniel Sahagun Sanchez, Sherry Tay, Xinyan Wu.
Art Direction by Tang Ling-Nah
Shuffle Sound Score by Zai Tang; Movement Score by Faye Lim

Supported by ACCLAIM Lighting, National Parks Board

In the case of rain on 3 Dec, the show may be delayed till 8pm to start (pray the clouds hold). If that does not happen, the show will be postponed to 4 Dec 7pm. Please check out our blog & contact Tang Ling-Nah@9747 4298 for more information. Thanks!

Thursday, 17 November 2011

||| Movement (Shuffle) 5 Nov-4 Dec 2011, with Performance on 3 Dec 2011

Team Aural is glad to announce that the exhibition of ||| Movement at the same site is extended till 4 Dec 2011. 
This second part is titled || Movement (Shuffle) and consists of a dance movement which will be presented on Saturday, 3 Dec 2011, 7pm onwards (weather-permitting).
Here is the upcoming schedule of what we will be doing on-site preceding the performance:
Run-through with the full cast: Sat, Nov 26th, 6pm
Dry run: Sat, Dec 3rd, 5.30pm 
Performance: 7pm
Attendance is free. 

Here is a video showing one of the try-out sessions at the Remembering zone of ||| Movement:

Call for Dancers

Do you enjoy slow/social/couple dancing? 
Would you like to participate in a site-specific performance at Stamford Green on Dec 3rd?

Team Aural (atelier | small, Tang Ling-Nah & Zai Tang) who created ||| Movement (pls see at Stamford Green, is inviting interested individuals or couples to participate in a group slow/social/couple dance as part of a larger performance. ||| Movement is a public art installation located at the previous site of the Old National Library, where there now is a quiet clearing that is suitable for an intimate dance.

Interested individuals or couples have to be available on most of these dates:

Introductory session: Sat, Nov 19th, 6pm
Run-through with the full cast: Sat, Nov 26th, 6pm
Dry run: Sat, Dec 3rd, 5.30pm
Performance: 7pm

If you are interested in participating, please contact Faye Lim at FMINLIM[at]GMAIL.COM, or Ling Nah at ACTIVATEDCSTUDIO[at]GMAIL.COM. THANKS!!

A Synopsis of ||| Movement (Shuffle)

What impression will ||| Movement leave behind for its host site? What if ||| Movement decides to stay indefinitely? Will it outstay its welcome? While it’s still here, how does ||| Movement want to dance with its surrounding sitewith its curves, its emotions, its (missed) opportunities? For lack of imagination, ||| Movement takes its host site by the hand, and then by the waist, and gives it a twirl for old times’ sake!

||| Movement (Shuffle), conceived as the second part of ||| Movement, imagines this dance through the ||| Movement installation and soundscape’s zones for remembering, contemplating and transformingall this against the fragmentation of past relics, the romantic backdrop of Fort Canning Park and the youthful aspirations of the neighbouring collegiate. 

||| Movement (Shuffle) begins with couples of various pairings enjoying recognisable slow dance steps and an emerging pattern of twirls and spirals. The image of a ballroom is conjured from this transitory space between the Singapore that never sleeps and the Singapore that sits still.  Perhaps in a rocking embrace, the non-stop movement and the stillness can co-exist. Viewers and passers-by are invited to join in this embrace with two-left feet, two-right feet, and everything in between. 

Abruptly, spritely and sticky young individuals take interest in the space and the highs and lows of its installations. The individuals coalesce into a blob for added support and travel through the space curving around, going under and climbing over anything/one that is in their way. When the journey is easy, they do a fast and playful dance. They can only manage a slow dance when the journey is tough. There is no end to their travels. Someone needs to tell them to stop! Though, occasionally, they find themselves in a tight, forgotten corner at the self-help section, and someone steals a kiss. 

What does the host site think or feel about all this? Does it need some time to respond? Would it help if there were a rest in the movement at this very moment; a pause for breath? Perhaps everyoneblob, dancing couples, viewerslost their ability to move anything but their expressive diaphragms. At this point, soft cricket sounds escape from behind clenched teeth and fill the space. Somehow, the cricket sounds make contemplating that much easier.